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Are you a working mother in a corporate position?

You know that you could have it all, be successful at work and have a balanced and serene private life with time for your family and even for yourself.

But as you got buried under more and more tasks and responsibilities, it feels impossible to thrive both at work and at home as 24 hours a day is just not enough for everything. 

I have good news. It is absolutely possible. 

Happy Woman

You will be interested in working with me if the below resonates with you:


  • Life has become a never-ending workload and you often wonder sadly if this is it.

  • You live with constant resentment and anger towards your environment and it starts to have a toll on your marriage and your career.  

  • You find yourself regularly impatient, grumpy and stressed out due to the huge workload waiting for you at work and at home. Snapping at your family not only frustrates you but makes you feel guilty and makes you second-guess yourself.

  • You constantly feel bone-tired and you miss that vibrant, creative and joyful person you used to be.

  • Your schedule is mainly about others’ needs and that there are very limited bits and pieces that are about you and your well-being, your aspirations. 

  • The current distribution of tasks at home pisses you off and causes conflicts with your partner. You don’t feel it is fair but you don’t know how to bring it up without fighting all the time.

  • You don’t like what you see in the mirror and you struggle to make any changes due to the crazy schedule your responsibilities dictate. 

  • You struggle to find time and energy to focus on your health even though there are already some warning signs that you are not on a good track.

  • While you would do anything for your kids and husband, you struggle to find yourself happy, and your life has just somehow turned into a never-ending monotone task list.

  • You lost your motivation at work and want everyone to leave you alone instead of bringing up newer and newer challenges or problems.

  • You dread the weekends. Everyone is telling you to enjoy more motherhood and be present with your kids now while they are small but you are just too exhausted and burnt out and you have no idea how.

How the program is built up?

While every 1-to-1 program is adjusted to the personalized needs, we typically focus and work the following way to reach the best outcome.
The number of sessions dedicated to the topics depends on the personal needs and the package length. 

​Foundation & kick start

  • Exploring your situation

  • Deep diving into your goals & desired outcomes

  • Visualizing & defining what ´having it all` would mean for you

  • Uncovering your core values

​Overcoming barriers

  • Exploring and removing external and internal blockers, mind monkeys, ways of self-boycotting

  • Discovering new perspectives & options

  • Take actions towards desired life

Unleash your potential

  • Find your hidden potentials and be the best version of yourself

  • Learning new tools, skills and strategies and apply them in your professional and personal life to thrive


  • Review progress

  • Celebrate wins and achievements

  • Readjust goals (if needed)

Examples to work on

Your desired future and a roadmap to take you there, aligned to your current situation and core values

​​ Mommy guilt, stress, perfectionism, people pleasing, need to be in control, not being good enough, expectations, pressure

Energy level, motivation, healthy routine, being assertive, finding balance & inner peace, time management & prioritization strategies, communication techniques

Where we are with the original goals, additional opportunities arising, reflecting on your journey and progress, discovering further blockers and potentials

Outcomes of the program
  • We established a routine where you regularly have a sacred time for you to recharge your batteries and be that nice, energetic and funny woman again. This way we created a lifestyle which is about having fun every day instead of rushing through life and getting stressed out. The new routine serves perfectly both your and your family's needs.

  • You learned to better manage your time, priorities and expectations. You set healthy boundaries without feeling guilty about them. 

  • You became your own advocate and now you communicate your necessities assertively with your family & colleagues instead of the silent resentfulness boiling inside you.

  • We worked towards a more balanced household task division while we took good care of your marriage.

  • You manage difficult conversations to reach your goals with an ease.

  • We looked at your professional life and evaluated how your work structure could support your work-life balance better and you implemented the desired changes into your work conditions and into your personal schedule.

  • You rediscovered the zest for life and found exciting new opportunities to feel inspired and alive.

Benefits of the program
  • Wake up energised and vibrant in the mornings. Live without resentment and anger, leave behind those emotions and replace them with serenity, creativity and positivity.

  • Have a well-organized and balanced lifestyle supporting your emotional and physical well-being by ensuring time to regularly recharge your batteries. Living a life with space for activities that help you to be inspired and content.

  • Become a great communicator who draws the line with ease and represents her own needs in an assertive way, and be a role model for your kids how they should stand up for themselves.

  • Being playful and funny with your kids and husband, that it is fun being you and fun being around you. 

  • Have energy for creativity and fulfilment in your life, and discover new adventures that you always wanted to try out but never had the energy or the time for.

  • Have a successful career by being focused and organised and demonstrating on a daily basis what value you bring in, without breaking yourself. 

  • Feel that you are exactly where you wanted to be in life.




How working with me looks like?

Let's have an initial conversation about working together - just click on the button to contact me.
After our chat, you can select from the below packages. The main difference is the intensity and the number of sessions included in the package, so as a rule of thumb, the more thorough changes you want, the more sessions are recommended. We can always consider together which one would be more appropriate for you. 

Image by Daniele Levis Pelusi


3 sessions of personalised online coaching 


(1x90 minutes + 2x60 minutes)


Support in-between sessions 

Additional tools provided


Private clients - €600

Corporate clients - €1000

Image by Milad Fakurian


8 sessions of personalised online coaching 


(1x90 minutes + 7x60 minutes)


Support in-between sessions 

Additional tools provided


Private clients - €1400

Corporate clients - €2000

Image by Lucas K


16 sessions of personalised online coaching 


(1x90 minutes + 15x60 minutes)


Support in-between sessions 

Additional tools provided


Private clients - €2700

Corporate clients - €4000

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